1. | ALONSO, P. S. T. ; MASSUCATO, B. P. ; NASCIMENTO, D. M. ; BERNARDES, J. S.. SCALABLE METHODS TO ISOLATE CELLULOSE NANOFIBERS FROM SUGARCANE BAGASSE. Em: 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023, Águas de Lindóia. 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023. |
2. | ARVELOS, G. ; ROCHA, A. R. ; Pedroza, Luana S.. Electronic and structural properties of water/metal interfaces under a bias potential. Em: Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023, Ouro Preto. Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023. |
3. | BONANI, E. G. ; Neves, M.D.M. ; ANTUNES, R. A. ; MARTIN, R. V.. Magnetic properties evaluation of 316L stainless steel produced by additive manufacturing for biomedical use. Em: XII Latin American Conference on Artificial Organs and Biomaterials, 2023, Mar del Plata - Argentina. 12 COLAOB, 2023. |
4. | CARASTAN, D. J.; OLIVEIRA, M. M. ; SOUSA JR, R. R. ; POOT, T. ; FORSBERG, S. ; SELEGÅRD, L. ; UVDAL, K.. Graphene-based IPN nanocomposites for aerospace applications. Em: Graphene Week 2023, 2023, Gotemburgo - Suécia. Proceedings of Graphene Week 2023, p. OC30, 2023. |
5. | DALAN, F. C. ; NISHIHORA, R. K. ; PERFI, R. M. S. ; Santos, S.F. ; SILVA SOBRINHO, A. S. ; CARDOSO, K. R.. Effect of Nb and Ti additions on phases, microstructure and hardness of equimolar AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceio. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
6. | GOMES-FILHO, M. S. ; TORRES, A. ; ROCHA, A. R. ; Pedroza, Luana S.. Deep Neural Network Force Fields for liquid water. Em: Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023, Ouro Preto. Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023. |
7. | GOMES-FILHO, M. S. ; TORRES, ALBERTO ; ROCHA, A. R. ; PEDROZA, LUANA SUCUPIRA. Size and quality of quantum mechanical data-set for training Neural Network Force Fields for liquid water. Em: APS March Meeting 2023, 2023, Las Vegas. APS March Meeting 2023, 2023. |
8. | GRAMCIANINOV, G. B. ; SILVA, D. J. ; GONSALES, C. ; JORGE, P. Z. ; CHAMPEAU, M. J. G. ; CARASTAN, D. J. ; FERREIRA, F. F. ; PRADOS, E. F. ; FUKUMASU, N.. PVC containing silver nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties effective against SARS-CoV-2. Em: XXI B-MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of XXI B-MRS Meeting, p. 4HBY, 2023. |
9. | LIMA, R. G. ; NASCIMENTO, D. M. ; FERREIRA, E. S. ; BERNARDES, J. S.. Supramolecular interaction of arginine with oxidized cellulose. Em: 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023, Águas de Lindóia. 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023. |
10. | MANCUSO, L. N. ; Santos, S.F. ; MENDES FILHO, A. A. ; RIBEIRO, A. N.. Investigation of ECAP processing on the microstructure of the Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4Nb alloy. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XX B-MRS Meeting, 2023. |
11. | MARCELINO, E. W. ; Santos, S.F. ; YOSHIMURA, H. N.. Analysis of Mechanical Parameters Effects on Nanofluids Preparation Using 2-step Method. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
12. | MATUSALEM, F. ; Pedroza, Luana S. ; ROCHA, A. R.. U nderstanding water metal interfaces using neural-network trained force fields. Em: Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023, Ouro Preto. Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023. |
13. | MIRANDA, L. T. S. ; TORRES, A. ; Pedroza, Luana S. ; GOMES-FILHO, M. S. ; ROCHA, A. R.. THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR QUANTUM EFFECTS ON HEXAGONAL ICE BY NEURAL NETWORK-BASED MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION. Em: Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023, Ouro Preto. Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023. |
14. | Neves, M.D.M. ; Correa O.V. ; OLIVEIRA, M. C. L. ; Pillis, M.F. ; ANTUNES, R. A.. Surface investigation of a laser etched metallic biomaterial. Em: XII Latin American Conference on Artificial Organs and Biomaterials, 2023, Mar del Plata - Argentina. 12 COLAOB, 2023. |
15. | OLIVEIRA, A. R. ; Santos, S.F. ; CONTE, E. G.. Residual stresses investigation in Metal Additive Manufacturing. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
16. | OLIVEIRA, M. C. S. ; NASCIMENTO, D. M. ; FERREIRA, E. S. ; BERNARDES, J S. ASSOCIATING OPPOSITELY CHARGED NANOCELLULOSE: A STRATEGY FOR THE DESIGN OF SUPER-RESISTANT FOAMS. Em: 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023, Águas de Lindóia. 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023. |
17. | OLIVEIRA, M. M. ; CARASTAN, D. J.. The impact of carbon nanoparticle dispersion and concentration on IPN-based nanocomposites? properties. Em: XXI B-MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of XXI B-MRS Meeting, p. 4GPY, 2023. |
18. | Pedroza, Luana S.; ARVELOS, G.. Vibrational properties of water-metal interfaces under a bias potential. Em: APS March Meeting 2023, 2023, Las Vegas. APS March Meeting 2023, 2023. |
19. | PERFI, R. M. S. ; RIBEIRO, A. N. ; Santos, S.F.. Tribological properties of a β titanium alloy processed by ECAP. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
20. | Pieretti, Eurico Felix ; ANTUNES, R. A. ; Correa O.V. ; Neves, M.D.M. ; Pillis, M.F.. Tribology analysis on anodized aluminum surfaces for biomedical purposes. Em: XX Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica, 2023, Bauru - SP. XX CBB, 2023. |
21. | POLEZI, G. ; NASCIMENTO, DIEGO MAGALHAES ; FERREIRA, E. S. ; BERNARDES, J. S.. Electrically conductive foams based on functionalized cellulose nanofibers and carbon black. Em: 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023, Águas de Lindóia. 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023. |
22. | PORCELLI, A. ; CAMPOSEO, A. ; Neves, Antonio Alvaro Ranha ; PISIGNANO, D. ; CIAMPINI, D. ; ARIMONDO, E. ; KINCAID, P. S.. Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers in High-Precision Sensing Applications. Em: IV International Workshop on Gravitomagnetism and large-scale Rotation Measurement, 2023, Pisa. Raccolta degli abstract - IV International Workshop on Gravitomagnetism and Large-Scale Rotation Measurement. Pisa: INFN, v. 1, p. 14, 2023. |
23. | RHEINHEIMER, J. P. C. ; VIEIRA, D. ; Pedroza, Luana S.. Nuclear Quantum Effects in water dissociation at Au(111). Em: Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023, Ouro Preto. Encontro de Outono da SBF 2023, 2023. |
24. | RIBEIRO, A. N. ; PERFI, R. M. S. ; ANTUNES, R. A. ; MENDES FILHO, A. A. ; Santos, S.F.. Corrosion resistance and structural characterization of a titanium β alloy processed by ECAP. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
25. | SANTOS, W. P. ; BOBET, JEAN-LOUIS ; MENDES FILHO, A. A. ; Santos, S.F.. NbC-reinforced Ti composites manufactured by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
26. | SILVA MARTINHO, HERCULANO; NEPOMUCENO, GABRIELLE ; FOIANI, LETÍCIA ; MS Alves ; DE SÁ RODRIGUES, NAYARA ; JANETE, A.D.. FOURIER-TRANSFORM INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY AS A LIQUID BIOPSY OPTION FOR ORAL CANCER DIAGNOSIS FROM SALIVA. Em: 47th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society, 2023, Campinas. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society - Vol. 1 2023, v. 1, p. 164419, 2023. |
27. | SILVA, D. B. ; NASCIMENTO, D. M. ; CLARO, P. I. C. ; GOUVEIA, R. F. ; BERNARDES, J. S.. Development of cationic cellulose nanofibrils based adhesive reinforced with natural rubber latex with enhanced water resistance. Em: 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023, Águas de Lindóia. 46ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023. |
28. | SILVA, L. M. G. ; CHALEGRE, T. S. ; RODRIGUES, L. Y. M. ; SANTOS, L. P. ; DANTAS, P. H. R. ; VIANA, T. N. ; VIDOTTI, S. E. ; MENDES FILHO, A. A. ; CARASTAN, D. J.. 3D printing of electrically conductive polymer nanocomposites for fuel cell applications. Em: XXI B-MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of XXI B-MRS Meeting, p. 4FZN, 2023. |
29. | SOUZA, V. P. ; NISHIHORA, R. K. ; Santos, S.F.. Study of environmentally friendly routes to produce MXenes. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
30. | SOUZA, V. P. ; NISHIHORA, R. K. ; Santos, S.F.. TEM characterization of MXenes produced by different synthesis protocols. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
31. | SOUZA, V. P. ; NISHIHORA, R. K. ; SILVA, L. M. G. ; Santos, S.F.. Study of environmentally friendly routes to produce MXenes and their uses in Supercapacitors. Em: XXI - Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023, Maceió. Proceedings of the XXI Brazil MRS Meeting, 2023. |
32. | WILLS, A. ; FERNANDEZ-SERRA, MARIVI ; PEDROZA, LUANA SUCUPIRA ; GOMES-FILHO, M. S.. Learning Solvation: The Transition from Machine Learned Potentials of Bulk Solvent to Aqueous Solution. Em: APS March Meeting 2023, 2023, Las Vegas. APS March Meeting 2023, 2023. |