1. | BENASSE, LEANDRO MARQUES ; DE OLIVEIRA, AMANDA ROSSI ; DEL CONTE, ERIK GUSTAVO. Investigação do Efeito da Variação Gradual da Densidade nas Propriedades Mecânicas de Estruturas Gyroid. Em: 2023 15th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), p. 1543, 2023.  |
2. | DE OLIVEIRA, AMANDA ROSSI ; SANTOS, SYDNEY FERREIRA ; DEL CONTE, ERIK GUSTAVO. Roughness Prediction in the End Milling of Additively Manufactured Maraging Steel with Machine Learning. Em: 2023 15th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), p. 1531, 2023.  |
3. | OLIVEIRA, A. R. ; CASTRO, H. L. ; SANTOS, S. F. ; DEL CONTE, E. G.. Geometric and dimensional inspection of maraging samples manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Em: CIGI QUALITA MOSIM 2023, 2023. |
4. | OLIVEIRA, AMANDA ROSSI DE ; CANNABRAVA, THIAGO ; SILVA, THIAGO ; DEL CONTE, ERIK. In-situ measurement and dimensional error modeling: a case study in a machine tool manufacturer. Em: 12th Brazilian Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, 2023.  |
5. | OLIVEIRA, AMANDA ROSSI DE ; DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR ; TEIXEIRA, JULIO ; FERREIRA SANTOS, SYDNEY ; DEL CONTE, ERIK. Barkhausen noise correlation with surface residual stress on maraging steel when combining additive manufacturing, aging, and milling. Em: 12th Brazilian Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, 2023.  |
6. | Pieretti, Eurico Felix ; Correa O.V. ; Neves, Maurício David Martins das ; OLIVEIRA, M.C.L ; ANTUNES, R. A.. Avaliação eletroquímica de alumina anódica nanoporosa aplicada a revestimentos biomédicos. Em: 62 Congresso Brasileiro de Química, 2023.  |