1. | BAIERLE, R J ; PIQUINI, P ; SCHMIDT, T.m. ; FAZZIO, A.. Theoretical Study of Natives Defects in BN-Nanotubes. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 336, 2003. |
2. | DALPIAN, G M ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Theoretical Investigation of a Possible MnxSi1-x Ferromagnetic Semiconductor. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 68, p. 113310, 2003. |
3. | DALPIAN, G M ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Adsorption of Si and Ge in Monoatomic Si(100) Steps. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
4. | DALPIAN, G M ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Mn Adsorption on Si(100): Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 334, 2003. |
5. | DALPIAN, G M ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Mn Impurities in Si: Stability on Bulk and on Surface. Em: 22nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-22), 2003, Aarhus, Dinamarca. Book of Abstracts II (Poster), v. II, 2003. |
6. | DALPIAN, G M ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Adsorption and Incorporation of Mn on Si(100). Em: 22nd European Conference on Surface Science - ECOSS-22, 2003, Praga, República Tcheca, 2003. |
7. | FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; BAIERLE, R J ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Energetics and Structural Properties of Adsorbed Atoms and Molecules on Silicon-Doped Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Characterization. v. 50, p. 183, 2003. |
8. | FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; BAIERLE, R J ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Ab Initio Study of an Organic Molecule Interacting with a Silicon-Doped Carbon Nanotube. Diamond and Related Materials. v. 12, p. 861, 2003. |
9. | FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Iron Chains on Carbon Nanotubes. Microelectronics (Luton) (Cessou em 1978. Cont. ISSN 0959-8324 Microelectronics Journal). v. 34, p. 481, 2003. |
10. | FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Ab Initio Study of an Iron Atom Interacting with Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 67, p. 205414, 2003. |
11. | FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Fe and Mn Atoms Interacting with Carbon Nanotubes. Physica. B, Condensed Matter (Print). v. 340342, p. 982, 2003. |
12. | FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Fe and Mn Atoms Interacting with Carbon Nanotubes. Em: 22nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-22), 2003, Aarhus, Dinamarca. Book of Abstracts I (Oral), v. I, 2003. |
13. | FAGAN, S B ; SILVA, A J R da ; MOTA, R. ; BAIERLE, R J ; FAZZIO, A.. Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes Through the Chemical Binding of Atoms and Molecules. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 67, p. 033405, 2003. |
14. | FARIA, J C ; CARVALHO, M R ; SILVA, A J R da ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A.. Adsorption of Gold on Carbon Nanotubes. Em: XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica - SBQT, 2003, Caxambu, MG, Brasil, 2003. |
15. | FARIA, J C ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A. ; SILVA, e Z da. Adsorption of Gold Atoms on Carbon Nanotubes. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 321, 2003. |
16. | FAZZIO, A. Destaque do nosso trabalho no artigo 'As Impurezas do Ouro'. Pesquisa FAPESP (Impresso), São Paulo, 01 mar. 2003. |
17. | FAZZIO, A. On the Nature of Mn in Semiconductors. Em: Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones/CLACSA 2003, 2003, Pucón, Chile. Anais da Conferência, 2003. |
18. | FAZZIO, A. Colóquio: 'Simulação Computacional de Materiais Nanoestruturados'. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
19. | FAZZIO, A. Simulação Computacional: Nanofios de Ouro e Nanotubos de Carbono. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
20. | FAZZIO, A. Nanotubos de Carbono na Superfície Si(100) e Nanofios de Ouro. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
21. | FAZZIO, A. Nanociência no Brasil. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
22. | FAZZIO, A. Política Científica e as Atividades da Sociedade Brasileira de Física. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
23. | FAZZIO, A. Simulações Computacionais em Materiais: Nanotubos de Carbono e Nanofios de Ouro. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
24. | FAZZIO, A. Natureza do Manganês em Semicondutores. 2003. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
25. | FAZZIO, A.; MIWA, R H ; VENEZUELA, P. Theoretical investigation of extended defects and their interactions with vacancies in SixGe1-x. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 67, p. 205317, 2003. |
26. | FAZZIO, A.; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, A J R da ; SILVA, e Z da. The Role of Simulations in Nanoscience, A Case Study: Gold Nanowires. Em: Ruben Aldrovandi; José Mariano Gago; Alberto Santoro. (Org.). Roberto Salmeron Festschrift: A Master and A Friend. Rio de Janeiro. : Aiafex. 2003.p. 115-124. |
27. | FAZZIO, A.; ORELLANA, W ; MIWA, R H. First-Principles Calculations of Carbon Nanotubes Adsorbed on Si(001). Physical Review Letters. v. 91, p. 166802, 2003. |
28. | FAZZIO, A.; SCHMIDT, T.m. ; BAIERLE, R J ; PIQUINI, P.. Theoretical study of native defects in BN nanotubes. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 67, p. 113407-1-4, 2003. |
29. | FAZZIO, A.; SILVA, A J R da ; FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R.. First-Principles Study of Transition Metal Atoms Interacting with Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
30. | Kono, Vivian Mayumi ; POLO, A. S. ; Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie. Síntese e Caracterização de Novos Complexos de Rutênio(II) para Utilização como Sensibilizadores em Células Solares de Camada Delgada. Em: 11º Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da USP São Paulo, 2003, São Carlos, 2003. |
31. | MIRANDA, C R ; ANTONELLI, A ; FAZZIO, A. ; SILVA, A J R da. Vacancies in Amorphous Silicon: A First Principles Study. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 358, 2003. |
32. | MIRANDA, C R ; ANTONELLI, A ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Vacancies in Amorphous Silicon: A First Principles Study. Em: 22nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-22), 2003, Aarhus, Dinamarca. Book of Abstracts II (Poster), v. II, 2003. |
33. | MIWA, R H ; VENEZUELA, P ; FAZZIO, A.. Stacking Faults and Vacancies in SixGe1-x. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
34. | MOTA, F. B. ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Ab Initio Study of Beta-Si3N4 (001) Surface: Electronic and Structural Properties. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
35. | Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie ; POLO, A. S.. Novel Dyes to Sensitize Photoeletrochemical Solar Cells: Researches on Dye-Cells for a Sustainable Energy. Em: Rio 3 World Climate & Energy Event, 2003. |
36. | Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie ; POLO, A. S. ; Garcia, C. G. ; Frin, Karina Morelli ; Itokazu, Melina Kayoko ; Kono, Vivian Mayumi. Dye-Cells®: Energia Renovável e Limpa Através de Células Solares de Concepção Química. Em: I Encontro Brasileiro Sobre Tecnologia na Indústria Química, 2003, São Paulo, 2003. |
37. | NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A. ; SILVA, e Z da. Effect of Impurities in the Large Au-Au Distances in Gold Nanowires. Em: XXVi Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 299, 2003. |
38. | NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, A J R da ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A.. Effect of Impurities in the Large Au-Au Distances in Gold Nanowires. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 90, p. 036101, 2003. |
39. | ORELLANA, W ; FAZZIO, A. ; MIWA, R H. Carbon Nanotube on Si(001): Structural and Electronic Properties. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 335, 2003. |
40. | ORELLANA, W ; MIWA, R H ; FAZZIO, A.. Carbon Nanotube on Si(100): Structural and Electronic Properties. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
41. | ORELLANA, W ; MIWA, R H ; FAZZIO, A.. Carbon Nanotube Adsorbed on Si(001). Em: 22nd European Conference on Surface Science - ECOSS-22, 2003, Praga, República Tcheca, 2003. |
42. | ORELLANA, W ; MIWA, R. H. ; FAZZIO, A.. Carbon Nanotubes Adsorbed on Clean and Hydrogenated Si(001) Surface. Em: Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones/CLACSA 2003, 2003, Pucón, Chile. Anais da Conferência, 2003. |
43. | ORELLANA, W ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Oxidation at the Si/SiO2 Interface: Influence of the Spin Degree of Freedom. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 90, p. 016103, 2003. |
44. | ORELLANA, W ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Energetic of Nitridation Processes in SiO2. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
45. | ORELLANA, W ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Energetic and Structural Properties of N Incorporation in SiO2. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 358, 2003. |
46. | POLO, A. S.; Garcia, C. G. ; Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie. Fruit extracts and ruthenium polypyridinic dyes for sensitization of TiO2 in photoelectrochemical solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry. v. 160, p. 87-91, 2003. |
47. | POLO, A. S.; Garcia, C. G. ; Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie. Photoelectrochemical solar cell using extract of Eugenia jambolana Lam as a natural sensitizer. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso). v. 75, n. 2, p. 163-165, 2003. |
48. | POLO, A. S.; Garcia, C. G. ; Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie. Uso de Extratos Naturais na Geração de Energia Elétrica. Em: I Encontro Brasileiro Sobre Tecnologia na Indústria Química, 2003, São Paulo, 2003. |
49. | POLO, A. S.; Itokazu, Melina Kayoko ; Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie. Luminescent rigidochromism of fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+ and its binuclear complex as photosensors. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry. v. 160, p. 27-32, 2003. |
50. | POLO, A. S.; Murakami Iha, Neyde Yukie. Clean and Renewable Energy From Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Fruit Extracts. Em: Rio 3 World Climate & Energy Event, p. 91-96, 2003. |
51. | PONTES, R B ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. A Study of Electronic and Structural Properties of the [Co(Tpy-SH)2]. Em: XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica - SBQT, 2003, Caxambu, MG, 2003. |
52. | ROSSATO, J ; MOTA, R. ; BAIERLE, R J ; FAZZIO, A.. Effects of Structural Deformations in Carbon Nanotubes. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 337, 2003. |
53. | SCHMIDT, T.m. ; ARANTES JR, J T ; FAZZIO, A.. The Electrostatic Potential of the 90º Partial Dislocation and its Interaction with Point Defects in Si. Em: XXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 2003, Caxambu, MG. Livro de Resumos, p. 357, 2003. |
54. | SCHMIDT, T.m. ; ARANTES, J T ; FAZZIO, A.. The Interaction of Point Defects with a 90º Partial Dislocation in Si. Em: 22nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-22), 2003, Aarhus, Dinamarca. Book of Abstracts II (poster), v. II, 2003. |
55. | SCOPEL, W L ; FANTINI, M C A ; PRADO, R J ; ORELLANA, W ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A. ; PEREYRA, I. Experimental and Theoretical Local Structure of Oxygen-Rich Amorphous Silicon Oxynitride. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
56. | SCOPEL, W L ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Structural and Electronic Properties of the Amorphous HFO2. Em: XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica - SBQT, 2003, Caxambu, MG, 2003. |
57. | SCOPEL, W L ; SILVA, A J R da ; ORELLANA, W ; PRADO, R J ; FANTINI, M C A ; FAZZIO, A. ; PEREYRA, I. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Atomic Structure of Oxygen-Rich Amorphous Silicon Oxynitride Films. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 68, p. 155332, 2003. |
58. | SILVA, A J R da ; FARIA, J C ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A.. Adsorption of Gold Atoms on Carbon Nanotubes. Em: 2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NanoTech 2003), 2003, San Francisco, California, EUA, 2003. |
59. | SILVA, A J R da ; FARIA, J C ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A.. Adsorption of Gold Atoms on Carbon Nanotubes. Em: 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2003, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, 2003. |
60. | SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A. ; SANTOS, R R dos ; OLIVEIRA, L e. Electronic Structure and Origin of Ferromagnetism in Ga1-xMnxAs Semiconductors. Physica. B, Condensed Matter (Print). v. 340342, p. 874, 2003. |
61. | SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A. ; SANTOS, R R dos ; OLIVEIRA, L e. First-Principles Study of Mn Interstitial and Nature of Hole-Mediated Ferromagnetism in Ga1-xMnxAs. Em: 22nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-22), 2003, Aarhus, Dinamarca. Book of Abstracts I (Oral), v. I, 2003. |
62. | SILVA, A J R da ; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A.. Effect of Impurities in the Breaking of Gold Nanowires. Em: 2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NanoTech 2003), 2003, San Francisco, California, EUA, 2003. |
63. | SILVA, A J R da ; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A.. Effect of Impurities in the Breaking of Gold Nanowires. Em: Annual APS March Meeting 2003, 2003, Austin, Texas, EUA, 2003. |
64. | SILVA, e Z da ; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Effect of Impurities in Gold Nanowires. Em: Euroconference on Spin and Charge Transport in Nanostructures, 2003, Minho, Portugal, 2003. |
65. | SILVA, e Z da ; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Effect of Impurities on the Breaking of Au Nanowires. Em: 22nd European Conference on Surface Science - ECOSS-22, 2003, Praga, República Tcheca, 2003. |
66. | SILVA, E. Z. ; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, A. J. R. ; FAZZIO, A.. Effect of Impurities in Gold Nanowires. Em: Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones/CLACSA 2003, 2003, Pucón, Chile. Anais da Conferência, 2003. |
67. | ZANELLA, I ; SILVA, A J R da ; FAZZIO, A.. Electronic and Structural Properties of C59Si on a Hydrogenated Si(100) Surface. Em: XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica - SBQT, 2003, Caxambu, MG, 2003. |